Monday, 12 December 2011

Anti-Ageing Silliness

This morning I happened to notice little lines on the sides of my eyes, then it struck me....I now have crows feet! I've heard of these 'facial feet' so often but until today, I'd never really paid attention to them. Surprisingly there are hundreds of products on the market that specifically target this 'problem'.Is it really a problem though,or have we been taught to see it that way? When I saw these lines that are more affectionately called laugh lines I actually felt thrilled. I'm not exactly sure why, but I do know that they did stir up some excitement within me.

Its interesting to note how there are literally hundreds if not thousands of skincare formulas that are 'anti-ageing' and carry the promise of preserving or prolonging the youthful glow. These sell like hot cakes as ladies (and now some men too) strive to look ten or more years younger.They come with the promise of reducing fine lines, attacking wrinkles,restoring youthfulness and the list goes on. To be honest, as I looked at these wonderful natural lines in the corners of my eyes ,I could not help but wonder at the silliness of this anti-ageing phenomena.Have you ever wondered what it would look like if young kids all of a sudden came up with 'anti-puberty' formulas just so they could hold on to their childhood a tad bit longer? Wouldnt it be utterly comical to see little boys and girls trying so hard to get back to being babies again. Oddly enough you have teenagers wanting to look like adults so much while the adults on the other hand are fighting to stay youthful. What chaos!

What is wrong with age, growing, maturing, getting the lines in the different places at their appointed time for each individual? When I was a young girl I remember being surrounded by wonderful women from different generations. Somehow being exposed to the differnt generations and seeing most of them embracing the respective seasons they were in made me feel secure.Seeing older women who were happy and confident even with a few lines here and there was a joy to behold. Imagine being a teenager and going through a crisis but looking around and seeing that the older people who presumably would have the capacity to help and direct you are in a crisis of their own.... hopelessly preoccupied with fighting age and trying to get back their youthful glow?

Good skin care is important as part of one's daily routine. However,as part of nature's wonderful hand, eventually lines will appear and for some its sooner than for others. When you worry about those lines appearing and that hair greying you actually accelerate the process and will probably need more and more of those creams! Worry is a definite catalyst for ageing skin and like anything else, it produces after its own kind...worry gives birth to more worry and more worry means more wrinkles...its a cycle that will feed and sustain itself!

However when you choose to consciously be happy and look at the accumulation of years as something to celebrate then you will embrace the years and 'age' gracefully. Some of the genuinely happy elderly people that I've met do have the wrinkles but they are still full of life and real joy while on the other hand I've seen some 'heavily botoxed' people who have the smoothest wrinkle free faces but look so lifeless because they have no 'expression' on their faces anymore.

Age is not an enemy and facial lines are not hideous. There really is some silliness to fighting age. Its good to 'feel' and experience your real age. Dont be afraid of it. I'm pro-age, and I think I actually like and will keep my crows feet....I'm excited! Here's to being comfortable with the age you are so the younger ones can look forward to getting there too rather than fill them with unnecessary fear and dread because of this uncalled for silliness.


Nycry said...

''Embrace don't erase your age..'' :)

Mel said...

Lol! I have gazillions of anti ageing creams and somehow have always looked at ageing as an enemy to be avoided. I just think lines are a bit unsightly but mayeb i have been taught to see them that way. Interesting post, given me something to think abt

Anonymous said...

If I see a line, I want to get rid of it instantly. Lets face it, youthful skin is more attractive. Im 36 and def want to turn back the years. Everyone else is anti age, y trouble myself and go against the flow?

Vanessa said...

Mmmmm I have never actually thot of ageing and wrinkles as good. Infact I sell anti ageing cream which is very good for the skin. Well written post though and makes sense. Our minds have been so conditioned to be anti wrinkles and hard to see it any other way. serious reconditioning needed

Sharon said...

Interesting! I now have to go and look in the mirror and see exactly where I am at! Lol.... Very funny and real Linda!

Anonymous said...

LOL, you do have a point. 'Anti puberty formulas' lol