Wednesday, 13 February 2013


From the time I was just a little girl I've had a heart for the orphans. In fact, it was such a strong stirring which always led me to pray that one day God would make me "rich enough" so I could help ALL the orphans. Whenever I could, I made time to visit some orphanages just to spend time with the babies and kids. Years later I was blessed with my own baby. One day as I held my nursing baby in my arms, that stirring returned with an intensity like never before. I suddenly became very aware that somewhere in this world there were millions of babies just like my own who were hungering and thirsting for love and more love. I wept. But I was still not exactly "rich enough". So I continued my prayer for provision so I could make a difference in the lives of orphaned children.

21 months later I held my second baby in my arms and totally drank in all the joy and fulfillment that motherhood brought with it. I cared for my children and continued to support them as they grew. I could see the difference I was making in their lives and they too were making a difference in mine....BUT.....I still wasn't financially "rich enough".
Then the realization hit me hard -what exactly is "rich enough"? Do we have to be wealthy to take care of the orphans in our time? As long as we have women/mothers/aunts/grandmas/sisters walking on Planet Earth then we really shouldn't have 'orphans' in our midst.
AMAI is a call to women everywhere to rise up , spread out our arms and embrace the children of our time. Its not a call to the wealthy, its a call to every woman. Our children need us. Mothers where are you? Vana AMAI muri kupi?

1 comment:

Taka said...

What a lovely piece Linda... 100% with you there... My mom was the same and we travelled a lot helping the kids kumba like kunanaKariba, Gokwe, Vic Falls... you name it... God bless you and your family